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December 05, 2023

138: Invisible No More: Empowering Interior Designers to Take Credit for Their Work

This week’s solo episode is inspired by a question from one of our live audience members in Episode 137, and it points to a challenge we all face as interior designers, regardless of how long we’ve been in the industry: takin...

This week’s solo episode is inspired by a question from one of our live audience members in Episode 137, and it points to a challenge we all face as interior designers, regardless of how long we’ve been in the industry: taking credit for our work.

We likely will all find a time when we pour a lot of heart and work into a project that we’re proud of, but then the client doesn’t acknowledge us for our involvement—or they significantly downplay our role. This can be so disappointing, but this doesn’t have to be the end of it. While it might seem difficult at first, we can speak up for ourselves and remind them of what we brought to the project. In this episode, I’m sharing seven strategies or tactics that will help you get the credit you deserve.

Featured in this Episode

Featured deck: Modern Witch Tarot Deck

Are you an interior designer or are you interested in Holistic Interior Design? Check out my membership program, the Design Coven! This program is a real-world industry mentorship for Holistic Interior Designers that has everything you won't find in traditional design school curriculum. You'll learn from practicing interior designers working on real life projects, and get access to cutting edge vendors, suppliers, furniture makers, textile designers, and design resources that I've curated over my 17 years of design experience. As a member, you'll have the opportunity to build valuable relationships of your own. Learn more.

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