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March 21, 2023

091: Mentorship Session: Should I Charge Procurement Fees?

This episode is a look behind the scenes into one of my interior design mentorship sessions. In this session, the interior designer is debating how to handle the sourcing of furniture for clients and whether or not she should...

This episode is a look behind the scenes into one of my interior design mentorship sessions. In this session, the interior designer is debating how to handle the sourcing of furniture for clients and whether or not she should charge procurement fees. If you’ve been confused about whether to offer this as a service and what to charge, this episode will provide clarity and assure you it is okay to charge for a luxury service.

If you'd like to have a session like this one, you can book a consultation with me here.

If you're a Design Coven member, you have access to special member pricing for these sessions. You can book through your member portal.

Are you an interior designer or are you interested in Holistic Interior Design? Check out my membership program, the Design Coven! This program is a real-world industry mentorship for Holistic Interior Designers that has everything you won't find in traditional design school curriculum. You'll learn from practicing interior designers working on real life projects, and get access to cutting edge vendors, suppliers, furniture makers, textile designers, and design resources that I've curated over my 17 years of design experience. As a member, you'll have the opportunity to build valuable relationships of your own. Learn more.

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