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July 28, 2022

039: How to Create Your First Interior Design Service

In this solo episode, I share how to create your first interior design service. A lot of new designers ask me what services they should offer, and when you’re just starting out, there are so many possibilities that it can fee...

In this solo episode, I share how to create your first interior design service. A lot of new designers ask me what services they should offer, and when you’re just starting out, there are so many possibilities that it can feel overwhelming. That’s why I recommend starting with one: a virtual design consultation. I walk you through what a virtual consultation can look like and how you can get it set up in a way that is easy for you and the client.

Note: I referred to one payment platform option in this episode as "Stride" when I meant to say Stripe. If you're looking to connect your scheduling system to a payment platform, check out PayPal or Stripe.

Featured in this Episode

Featured candle: Beeswax candle from Mithras Candle

Featured brew: Mushroom Mocha from Fun Earth Co

Featured deck: Modern Witch Tarot Deck

Introducing my new membership program, the Design Coven! This program is a real-world industry mentorship for Holistic Interior Designers that has everything you won't find in traditional design school curriculum. You'll learn from practicing interior designers working on real life projects, and get access to cutting edge vendors, suppliers, furniture makers, textile designers, and design resources that I've curated over my 17 years of design experience. As a member, you'll have the opportunity to build valuable relationships of your own. Learn more.

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