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June 02, 2022

023: Nate Yrigoyen’s Journey with Design

I welcome Interior Designer Nate Yrigoyen to the podcast to talk about his journey with design. Nate has been passionate about design since he was a child, and he took the leap to start his own business about 10 years ago. He...

I welcome Interior Designer Nate Yrigoyen to the podcast to talk about his journey with design. Nate has been passionate about design since he was a child, and he took the leap to start his own business about 10 years ago. He’s currently designing spaces in residential homes and is working on a large project with a casino. Nate shares with us his process and the rituals that help him get grounded, focused, and creative.

Guest Bio

Nate Yrigoyen is a San Diego-based interior designer who specializes in modern home renovations, house flipping and project management. He has helped hundreds of clients achieve their aesthetic goals and dream lifestyle with design ease and budget-conscious ideas. He works with his clients to make simple tweaks that help everything in their home flow and pop.

Featured in this episode

Featured candle: Beeswax candle from Mithras Candle

Featured brew: Rachel's tea is the Daisy Wild from Paru Tea Bar and Nate is drinking Celsius.

Featured Tarot deck: Radiant Crystal Cards - BouchetteDesign

Connect with Nate




Introducing my new membership program, the Design Coven! This program is a real-world industry mentorship for Holistic Interior Designers that has everything you won't find in traditional design school curriculum. You'll learn from practicing interior designers working on real life projects, and get access to cutting edge vendors, suppliers, furniture makers, textile designers, and design resources that I've curated over my 17 years of design experience. As a member, you'll have the opportunity to build valuable relationships of your own. Learn more.

Connect with Rachel Larraine




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